Gyokuken is part of Megumi Fushiguro's Ten Shadows Technique and is his signature shikigami. Gyokuken mainly have the following characteristics and abilities:
White and Black Gyokuken
Fushiguro can summon two Gyokuken at the beginning: Gyokuken White and Gyokuken Black. The White and Black Gyokuken have different characteristics and support Fushiguro in battle.
White: Has high combat ability and attacks enemies with quick movements.
Black: Is even more powerful than the White Gyokuken and has the power to effectively repel enemy curses.
Gyokuken Kon
After the White Gyokuken is destroyed, the Black Gyokuken takes over its power and advances.化して「玉犬・渾(こん)」となりました。渾は白と黒の特徴を併せ持ち、さらに強力な存在となっています。初登場は原作第6巻の47話で、二足歩行も可能な大きな姿をしています。