Shikanokonokonokokoshitantan is a comedy manga by Oshio Shio, with a unique story set in Tokyo's Hinominami High School. It has been serialized in Shonen Magazine Edge since December 2019, and has since been transferred to Magazine Pocket, where it is currently being serialized.
Story Overview
The story begins when Koshi Torako, a former delinquent and pure girl, saves Shikanokonoko, a girl with horns, on her way to school. This encounter causes a great disturbance to Torako's peaceful daily life. Kanoko, nicknamed Nokotan, is the captain of a mysterious club called the Deer Club, and ends up making Torako the club's captain (Official website for the Shikanokonokokoshitantan anime) (Wikipedia).
Nokotan: A girl with deer-like horns on her head. She is the founder of the Deer Club, and her favorite food is deer crackers. The horns are removable and sometimes explode.
Koshitan: A former delinquent who is now an honor student with excellent grades. After meeting Nokotan, he becomes the captain of the deer club and begins to be manipulated by her.
Anko: Torako's younger sister, an extreme sister complex. She joins the deer club and is hostile towards anyone who disturbs her time with her sister.
Bashame: A gluttonous girl who admires Kanoko and joined the deer club. She also works hard at making rice fields.
Style and evaluation
This manga is popular for its bizarre setting and humorous interactions between the characters. It features an anything-goes style similar to "Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo" and "Nichijou".
Anime adaptation
The anime is scheduled to air from July 2024, attracting even more fans. In the anime version, Nokotan will be played by Megumi Han and Torako will be played by Saki Fujita.
We hope you enjoy the unique world view and charming characters of this work.